Hans obtained his PhD in biochemistry at the “Universitätskrankenhaus Eppendorf” (Hamburg). He joined Glycotope from the beginning 20 years ago starting as group leader responsible for recombinant protein expression, glycoengineering and the dendritic cell line NemodDC. In 2005 Glycotope served the first clients in recombinant antibody expression, humanization and glycoengineering which was managed by Hans. Since 2011 he started the GCLP lab to establish, validate and analyze clinical samples for PK, biomarker and immunogenicity. Hans is heading the bioassay department along with the GCLP lab at FyoniBio.

Lars obtained his PhD in virology at the Robert-Koch Institute (Berlin) and joined Glycotope already 15 years ago. Within this time he was responsible for different tasks as cell line engineering, setting up the MS based analytical lab and project leader of the phase II clinical asset FSH-GEX®. For two years he headed the BD at Glycotope prior to becoming responsible for the service activities. At FyoniBio he is heads the cell line development, process development and MS based analytical department.